This inventory item represents ITS field equipment (e.g. Portable Variable Message Signs) that are operated and maintained by Putnam County.
Functional Object | Description | User Defined |
Field Secure Area Surveillance | 'Field Secure Area Surveillance' includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). It provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Center for possible threat detection. It also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Center. | False |
Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination | 'Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination' includes field elements that provide information to drivers, including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radios. | False |
Document Number | Title | Description |
ITE ATC 5201 | Advanced Transportation Controller | This standard defines the functionality and performance requirements for a modern ITS controller known as an ATC. It is similar to the NEMA TS-2 standard in that it defines basic capabilities but leaves hardware choices up to the manufacturer. |
ITE ATC 5202 | Model 2070 Controller Standard | This standard specifies the hardware for a modern, open-architecture controller for ITS applications that can run Linux and is capable of executing advanced signal controller logic, among other things. |
ITE ATC 5301 | Intelligent Transportation System Standard Specification for Roadside Cabinets | This standard specifies the characteristics of a modern controller cabinet for the ITS industry. |
ITE ATC 5401 | Application Programming Interface Standard for the Advanced Transportation Controller | This standard defines the application programmers' interface (API) that should be supported by an ATC, which is an open-architecture controller that can host multiple ITS applications. |
NEMA TS 8 | Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems | This specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber- and physical-security for ITS. |
NEMA TS2 | Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP Requirements | This specification covers traffic signaling equipment used to facilitate and expedite the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicular traffic. |
NEMA TS4 | Hardware Standards for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) With NTCIP Requirements | This standard provides hardware specifications for safe, dependable, functional, and easily maintained Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) equipment. |