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NYSDOT Traffic Count Stations

Status: Existing


Field equipment that is used to collect traffic count data.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Roadway Data Collection'Roadway Data Collection' collects traffic, road, and environmental conditions information for use in transportation planning, research, and other off-line applications where data quality and completeness take precedence over real-time performance. It includes the sensors, supporting roadside infrastructure, and communications equipment that collects and transfers information to a center for archival.False
Roadway Passive Monitoring'Roadway Passive Monitoring' monitors passing vehicles for a signature that can be used to recognize the same vehicle at different points in the network and measure travel times. Depending on the implementation and the penetration rate of the technology that is monitored, other point traffic measures may also be inferred by monitoring the number of vehicles within range over time. Today this approach is implemented most commonly using a Bluetooth receiver that passively monitors Bluetooth devices on-board passing vehicles and license plate readers that record the vehicle license plate number, but any widely deployed vehicle communications technology or feature that can be passively monitored to uniquely identify a vehicle could be used.False
RSE Situation Monitoring'RSE Situation Monitoring' is a general functional object that supports collection of traffic, environmental, and emissions data from passing vehicles. The data is collected, filtered, and forwarded based on parameters provided by the back office. Parameters are provided to passing vehicles that are equipped to collect and send situation data to the infrastructure in snapshots. In addition, this object collects current status information from local field devices including intersection status, sensor data, and signage data, providing complete, configurable monitoring of the situation for the local transportation system in the vicinity of the RSE.False
RSE Traffic Monitoring'RSE Traffic Monitoring' monitors the basic safety messages that are shared between connected vehicles and distills this data into traffic flow measures that can be used to manage the network in combination with or in lieu of traffic data collected by infrastructure-based sensors. As connected vehicle penetration rates increase, the measures provided by this application can expand beyond vehicle speeds that are directly reported by vehicles to include estimated volume, occupancy, and other measures. This object also supports incident detection by monitoring for changes in speed and vehicle control events that indicate a potential incident.False

Physical Standards

Document NumberTitleDescription
ITE ATC 5301Intelligent Transportation System Standard Specification for Roadside CabinetsThis standard specifies the characteristics of a modern controller cabinet for the ITS industry.
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation SystemsThis specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber- and physical-security for ITS.

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

NYS DMV Accident Reporting System
NYSDOT 8-1 Maintenance Management System
NYSDOT Bridge Management System
NYSDOT Main Office Highway Data Services
NYSDOT Region 8 HVTMC Incident Data Archive
NYSDOT Statewide Operations Center Archive Management System
NYSDOT Third-Party Sensor Data Archive