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NYSDOT Region 8 HVTMC Transportation Management

Status: Existing


HVTMC Transportation Management provides traffic advisories and other information to partner agencies and the public using various ITS systems.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
NYSDOT Region 8 Hudson Valley Transportation Management CenterOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Traffic Management Center
Maint and Constr Management Center
Transportation Information Center
Archived Data System
Emergency Management Center
Parking Area Equipment
Commercial Vehicle Administration Center
Archived Data User System
Data Distribution System
Parking Management Center

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Archive Data Repository'Archive Data Repository' collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. It includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. It includes the capability to define a data registry that allows registration of data identifiers or data definitions for interoperable use throughout a region. It supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region. Repositories may be established to support operations planning, performance monitoring and management, and policy and investment decisions.False
Archive Government Reporting'Archive Government Reporting' selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements. It provides transportation system statistics and performance measures in required formats to support investment and policy decisions.False
Archive Situation Data Archival'Archive Situation Data Archival' collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. It controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes, rather than for traffic management. It also collects situation data from connected vehicles. The data collected, quality checks performed, and aggregation strategies are defined to support transportation system performance monitoring and management.False
CVAC Data Collection'CVAC Data Collection' collects and stores commercial vehicle information that is collected in the course of Commercial Vehicle Administration Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
CVAC Information Exchange'CVAC Information Exchange' supports the exchange of safety, credentials, permit data, and other data concerning the operation of commercial vehicles among jurisdictions. The object also supports the exchange of safety (e.g., driver logs), credentials, permit, and operations data between systems (for example, an administrative center and the roadside check facilities) within a single jurisdiction. Data are collected from multiple authoritative sources and packaged into snapshots (top-level summary and critical status information) and profiles (detailed and historical data). Data is made available to fleet operators and other information requestors on request or based on subscriptions established by the requestor.False
ITS Data Subscription Management'ITS Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechanisms for collecting subscribed data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.False
MCM Data Collection'MCM Data Collection' collects and stores maintenance and construction information that is collected in the course of operations by the Maintenance and Construction Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
MCM Environmental Information Collection'MCM Environmental Information Collection' collects current road and weather conditions using data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. In addition to fixed sensor stations at the roadside, this functional object also collects environmental information from sensor systems located on Maintenance and Construction Vehicles. It also collects current and forecast environmental conditions information that is made available by other systems. The functional object aggregates the sensor system data and provides it, along with data attributes to other applications.False
MCM Incident Management'MCM Incident Management' supports maintenance and construction participation in coordinated incident response. Incident notifications are shared, incident response resources are managed, and the overall incident situation and incident response status is coordinated among allied response organizations.False
MCM Infrastructure Monitoring'MCM Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It monitors the infrastructure, collecting data from both fixed and vehicle-based sensors. In addition to specialized infrastructure monitoring sensors, it also monitors the broader population of equipped vehicles for vertical acceleration data and other situation data that may be used to determine current pavement condition.False
MCM Maintenance Decision Support'MCM Maintenance Decision Support' recommends maintenance courses of action based on current and forecast environmental and road conditions and additional application specific information. Decisions are supported through understandable presentation of filtered and fused environmental and road condition information for specific time horizons as well as specific maintenance recommendations that are generated by the system based on this integrated information. The recommended courses of action are supported by information on the anticipated consequences of action or inaction, when available.False
MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warning'MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warning' supports remote control and monitoring of reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment. It provides posted speed limits and associated schedules and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator.False
MCM Roadway Maintenance'MCM Roadway Maintenance' provides overall management and support for routine maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Services managed include landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, gantries, cabinets, guard rails, etc.). Environmental conditions information is also received from various weather sources to aid in scheduling routine maintenance activities. See also MCM Field Equipment Maintenance for maintenance of ITS field equipment.False
MCM Winter Maintenance Management'MCM Winter Maintenance Management' manages winter road maintenance, tracking and controlling snow plow operations, roadway treatment (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications), and other snow and ice control operations. It monitors environmental conditions and weather forecasts and uses the information to schedule winter maintenance activities, determine the appropriate snow and ice control response, and track and manage response operations.False
MCM Work Activity Coordination'MCM Work Activity Coordination' disseminates work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated with operating agencies, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. Work schedules are also distributed to Transportation Information Centers for dissemination to the traveling public.False
MCM Work Zone Management'MCM Work Zone Management' remotely monitors and supports work zone activities, controlling traffic through dynamic message signs (DMS), Highway Advisory Radio (HAR), gates and barriers, and informing other groups of activity (e.g., traveler information, traffic management, other maintenance and construction centers) for better coordination management. Work zone speeds, and delays, and closures are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones. This application provides control of field equipment in all maintenance areas, including fixed and portable field equipment supporting both stationary and mobile work zones.False
TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info DistributionIn support of connected vehicle applications, 'TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. Location-specific or situation-relevant traveler information is sent to short range communications transceivers at the roadside.False
TIC Data Collection'TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler information to end-users. A broad range of data is collected including traffic and road conditions, transit data, emergency information and advisories, weather data, special event information, traveler services, parking, multimodal data, and toll/pricing data. It also shares data with other transportation information centers.False
TIC Emergency Traveler Information'TIC Emergency Traveler Information' provides emergency information to the public, including wide-area alerts and evacuation information. It provides emergency alerts, information on evacuation zones and evacuation requirements, evacuation destinations and shelter information, available transportation modes, and traffic and road conditions at the origin, destination, and along the evacuation routes. In addition to general evacuation information, personalized information including tailored evacuation routes, service information, and estimated travel times is also provided based on traveler specified origin, destination, and route parameters. Updated information is provided throughout the evacuation and subsequent reentry as status changes and plans are adapted.False
TIC Traveler Telephone Information'TIC Traveler Telephone Information' services voice-based traveler requests for information that supports traveler telephone information systems like 511. It takes requests for traveler information, which could be voice-formatted traveler requests, dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF)-based requests, or a simple traveler information request, and returns the requested traveler information in the proper format. In addition to servicing requests for traveler information, it also collects and forwards alerts and advisories to traveler telephone information systems.False
TMC Barrier System Management'TMC Barrier System Management' remotely monitors and controls barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under control of center personnel. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems. It also provides an interface to other centers to allow monitoring and control of the barriers from other centers (e.g., public safety or emergency operations centers).False
TMC Basic Surveillance'TMC Basic Surveillance' remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor systems and surveillance (e.g., CCTV) equipment, and collects, processes and stores the collected traffic data. Current traffic information and other real-time transportation information is also collected from other centers. The collected information is provided to traffic operations personnel and made available to other centers.False
TMC Data Collection'TMC Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of traffic operations performed by the Traffic Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.False
TMC Environmental Monitoring'TMC Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information, information collected by other centers such as the Maintenance and Construction Management Center, data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway, and information collected from connected vehicles. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator. This information can be used to issue general traveler advisories and support location specific warnings to drivers.False
TMC Evacuation Support'TMC Evacuation Support' supports development, coordination, and execution of special traffic management strategies during evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or major emergency. A traffic management strategy is developed based on anticipated demand, the capacity of the road network including access to and from the evacuation routes, and existing and forecast conditions. The strategy supports efficient evacuation and also protects and optimizes movement of response vehicles and other resources that are responding to the emergency.False
TMC Incident Detection'TMC Incident Detection' identifies and reports incidents to Traffic Operations Personnel. It remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor and surveillance systems that support incident detection and verification. It analyzes and reduces the collected sensor and surveillance data, external alerting and advisory and incident reporting systems, anticipated demand information from intermodal freight depots, border crossings, special event information, and identifies and reports incidents and hazardous conditionsFalse
TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination'TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination' formulates and manages an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and resources required for incident management. It provides information to support dispatch and routing of emergency response and service vehicles as well as coordination with other cooperating agencies. It provides access to traffic management resources that provide surveillance of the incident, traffic control in the surrounding area, and support for the incident response. It monitors the incident response and collects performance measures such as incident response and clearance times.False
TMC In-Vehicle Signing Management'TMC In-Vehicle Signing Management' controls and monitors RSEs that support in-vehicle signing. Sign information that may include static regulatory, service, and directional sign information as well as variable information such as traffic and road conditions can be provided to the RSE, which uses short range communications to send the information to in-vehicle equipment. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.False
TMC Multi-Modal Coordination'TMC Multi-Modal Coordination' supports center-to-center coordination between the Traffic Management and Transit Management Centers. It monitors transit operations and provides traffic signal priority for transit vehicles on request from the Transit Management Center.False
TMC Passive Surveillance'TMC Passive Surveillance' collects time stamped vehicle identities from different detection zones, correlates the identities, and calculates link travel times and derives other traffic measures.False
TMC Regional Traffic Management'TMC Regional Traffic Management' supports coordination between Traffic Management Centers in order to share traffic information between centers as well as control of traffic management field equipment. This coordination supports wide area optimization and regional coordination that spans jurisdictional boundaries; for example, coordinated signal control in a metropolitan area or coordination between freeway operations and arterial signal control within a corridor.False
TMC Reversible Lane Management'TMC Reversible Lane Management' remotely monitors and controls reversible lanes. It provides an interface to reversible lane field equipment (traffic sensors, surveillance equipment, lane control signals, physical lane access controls, etc.) and to traffic operations personnel to support central monitoring and control of these facilities.False
TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring'TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring' monitors the operational status of field equipment and detects failures. It presents field equipment status to Traffic Operations Personnel and reports failures to the Maintenance and Construction Management Center. It tracks the repair or replacement of the failed equipment. The entire range of ITS field equipment may be monitored including sensors (traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed, etc.) and devices (highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, beacons, security surveillance equipment, etc.).False
TMC Roadway Warning'TMC Roadway Warning' remotely monitors and controls the systems used to warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway. It monitors data on roadway conditions from sensors in the field and generates warnings in response to roadway weather conditions, road surface conditions, traffic conditions including queues, obstacles or animals in the roadway, and any other transient events that can be sensed.False
TMC Signal Control'TMC Signal Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the traffic flow at signalized intersections. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment and developing and implementing control plans for signalized intersections. Control plans may be developed and implemented that coordinate signals at many intersections under the domain of a single Traffic Management Center and are responsive to traffic conditions and adapt to support incidents, preemption and priority requests, pedestrian crossing calls, etc.False
TMC Situation Data Management'TMC Situation Data Management' collects, assimilates, and disseminates vehicle probe data collected from roadside short range communications equipment and centers controlling transit vehicles, toll collection points, and route-guided vehicles. It estimates traffic and road conditions based on the aggregated probe data and disseminates this information to other centers.False
TMC Speed Warning'TMC Speed Warning' supports remote control and monitoring of reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment. It provides the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, the posted speed limit(s) with information about the applicability of the speed limit(s) (e.g., time of day, day of week, seasonality, relevant vehicle types) and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator.False
TMC Traffic Information Dissemination'TMC Traffic Information Dissemination' disseminates traffic and road conditions, closure and detour information, incident information, driver advisories, and other traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and driver information systems. It monitors and controls driver information system field equipment including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio, managing dissemination of driver information through these systems.False
TMC Traffic Management Decision Support'TMC Traffic Management Decision Support' recommends courses of action to the traffic operator based on current and forecast road and traffic conditions. Traffic incidents, special events, maintenance activities and other events or conditions that impact capacity or demand are monitored. Historical data and models are used to compare the impact of potential courses of action and make recommendations to the operator. Decisions are supported through presentation of filtered and fused network-wide road and traffic conditions that identify network imbalances and recommended courses of action. The recommended actions may include predefined incident response plans, signal timing plan changes, DMS/HAR messages, truck restrictions, lane control strategies, metering strategies, and adjustment of variable speed limits. Multimodal strategies may also be recommended that include suggested transit strategies and suggested route and mode choices for travelers. Once a course of action is selected, traffic operations personnel implement these actions within the Traffic Management Center and coordinate the response with other centers in the region.False
TMC Traffic Metering'TMC Traffic Metering' provides center monitoring and control of traffic metering systems including on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. All types of metering are covered including pre-timed/fixed time, time-based, dynamic and adaptive metering strategies and special bypasses. Metering rates can be calculated based upon historical data or current conditions including traffic, air quality, etc.False
TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation'TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation' measures traffic network performance and predicts travel demand patterns to support traffic flow optimization, demand management, and incident management. It collects traffic data from sensors and surveillance equipment as well as input from other Traffic Management Centers, emissions management, transit operations, and event promoters and uses this information to measure traffic network performance. It collects route planning information from transportation information centers and integrates and uses this information to predict future traffic conditions. The planned control strategies can be passed back to the transportation information center so that the intended strategies can be reflected in future route planning.False
TMC Variable Speed Limits'TMC Variable Speed Limits' provides center monitoring and control of variable speed limits systems. It monitors data on traffic and environmental conditions collected from sensors along the roadway. Based on the measured data, it calculates and sets suitable speed limits usually by lane. It controls equipment that posts the current speed limits and displays additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.False
TMC Work Zone Traffic Management'TMC Work Zone Traffic Management' coordinates work plans with maintenance systems so that work zones are established that have minimum traffic impact. Traffic control strategies are implemented to further mitigate traffic impacts associated with work zones that are established, providing work zone information to driver information systems such as dynamic message signs.False

Physical Standards

Document NumberTitleDescription
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation SystemsThis specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber- and physical-security for ITS.

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

CCHD Facility
CCHD ITS Field Equipment
City of New Rochelle DPW Headquarters
City of Poughkeepsie DPW Dispatch Facility
City of White Plains TDP ITS Field Equipment
City of White Plains TDP Traffic Management
City of White Plains Traffic Signal System
Coach USA Information Service Provider
Coach USA/Rockland Coaches Headquarters
Coach USA/Short Line Headquarters
Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response
Dutchess LOOP Information Service Provider
Event Promoters
LHTL ICMS (Decision Support System)
LHTL ITS Field Equipment
LHTL Parking Management
LHTL Transit Agencies
Local Emergency Dispatch
Local Law Enforcement Agencies
New York OpenReach Servers
NYSBA Command Center
NYSBA ITS Field Equipment
NYSDOT 8-1 Maintenance ITS Field Equipment
NYSDOT 8-1 Maintenance Management System
NYSDOT Access Gates
NYSDOT Highway Work Permit System
NYSDOT IT Department and IT Personnel
NYSDOT ITS Field Equipment
NYSDOT Maintenance Residencies
NYSDOT Public Information Office
NYSDOT Region 8 Flood Monitoring System
NYSDOT Region 8 HVTMC Operations Personnel
NYSDOT Region 8 HVTMC Speed Monitoring PVMS
NYSDOT Region 8 ITS Field Equipment
NYSDOT Region 8 Maintenance Residency
NYSDOT Region 8 Maintenance Vehicles
NYSDOT Region 8 Traffic Signal Maintenance
NYSDOT Regional Signal Shop
NYSDOT Signal Pre-Emption System
NYSDOT Social Media
NYSDOT STICC (Statewide Transportation Information and Coordination Center)
NYSDOT Traffic Signal Asset Management System
NYSDOT Website
NYSDOT Weigh-In-Motion system
NYSP Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit
NYSP Dispatch and Regional Command
NYSTA Fleet Management System
NYSTA Infrastructure Inventory and Inspection System (IIIS)
NYSTA ITS Field Equipment
NYSTA Lane Closure Reporting System
NYSTA Maintenance and Construction Center Personnel
NYSTA Maintenance and Construction Vehicles
NYSTA Occupancy and Work Permit System
NYSTA Operations and Maintenance
NYSTA Social Media
NYSTA Statewide Operations Center (TSOC)
OCDPW Headquarters
Orange County Division of Emergency Management
Other DOTs TMCs in CT, NJ, and PA (e.g. Bridgeport, Hartford CT, Northern NJ Ops, PENNDOT)
Other TMCs in NY (e.g. NYSDOT Region 1, 10, 11, NYSBA, NYSTA)
PANYNJ PAPD Communications Center Dispatch
Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services
RCOFES Emergency Management
TRANSCOM Middleware
TRANSCOM Operations Information Center (OIC)
Transit Orange Center
UCAT Dispatch Facility
Ulster County Emergency Services Department
WCDPWT ITS Field Equipment
WCDPWT Offices of Road Maintenance and Engineering Design/Construction
WCDPWT Road Maintenance Facility
WCDPWT Traffic Management Center
Westchester County Office of Emergency Management
Westchester County QuickNews