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Privately Owned Information Service Providers - Personal Information Device Functionality

Subsystem Description

The 'Personal Information Device' provides the capability for travelers to receive formatted traveler information wherever they are. Capabilities include traveler information, trip planning, and route guidance. Frequently a smart phone, the Personal Information Device provides travelers with the capability to receive route planning and other personally focused transportation services from the infrastructure in the field, at home, at work, or while en-route. Personal Information Devices may operate independently or may be linked with vehicle on-board equipment. This subsystem also supports safety related services with the capability to broadcast safety messages and initiate a distress signal or request for help.

Functional Object: Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance

'Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. Coordination may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic trip plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route with transfers. Devices represented by this functional object include desktop computers at home, work, or at major trip generation sites, plus personal devices such as tablets and smart phones.