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CCSO Jail Control Room

Status: Existing


The Columbia County Jail Control Room is the center of operations for the Corrections Division of the Columbia County Sheriff's Office, and includes closed-circuit television feeds and control functions for all jail facilities.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Columbia County Sheriffs OfficeOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Security Monitoring Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Field Secure Area Sensor Monitoring'Field Secure Area Sensor Monitoring' includes sensors that monitor conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. Bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). A range of acoustic, environmental threat (e.g. Chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity and motion and object sensors are included.False
Field Secure Area Surveillance'Field Secure Area Surveillance' includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). It provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Center for possible threat detection. It also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Center.False

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CCSO Communications Office