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PCPDPT Transit Vehicles

Status: Existing


This inventory item represents the buses of various sizes that provide fixed-route public transportation services in Putnam County.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Putnam County Planning, Development, and Public TransportationOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

Transit Vehicle OBE

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management'Transit Vehicle On-board Fare Management' supports fare collection using a standard fare card or other non-monetary fare medium and detects payment violations, manages allow/block lists and performs token validation. Collected fare data are made available to the center.False
Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services'Transit Vehicle On-board Information Services' furnishes en route transit users with real-time travel-related information on-board a transit vehicle. Current information that can be provided to transit users includes transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, non-motorized transportation services, and special events are provided. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it also supports general annunciation and/or display of general schedule information, imminent arrival information, and other information of general interest to transit users.False
Transit Vehicle On-Board Paratransit Operations'Transit Vehicle On-board Paratransit Operations' forwards paratransit and flexible-route dispatch requests to the operator and forwards acknowledgements to the center. It coordinates with, and assists the operator in managing multi-stop runs associated with demand responsive transit services including paratransit. It collects transit vehicle passenger data and makes it available to the center.False
Transit Vehicle Passenger Counting'Transit Vehicle Passenger Counting' collects transit vehicle loading data and makes it available to the center.False
Transit Vehicle Schedule Management'Transit Vehicle Schedule Management' monitors schedule performance and identifies corrective actions when a deviation is detected. It provides two-way communication between the transit vehicle and center, enabling the center to communicate with the vehicle operator and monitor on-board systems.False
Transit Vehicle Security'Transit Vehicle Security' provides security and safety functions on-board the transit vehicle. It includes surveillance and sensor systems that monitor the on-board environment, silent alarms that can be activated by transit user or vehicle operator, operator authentication, and a remote vehicle disable function. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors) and object detection sensors (e.g. metal detectors).False

Interfaces To

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PCPDPT Transit Dispatch Center
PCPDPT Transit Vehicle Operator