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Metro-North Field Equipment

Status: Existing

Description: Wayside equipment for railroad crossings.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Metro-North RailroadOwnsExisting

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment
Wayside Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Roadway Standard Rail Crossing'Roadway Standard Rail Crossing' manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements do not dictate advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are less than 80 miles per hour). Either passive (e.g., the crossbuck sign) or active warning systems (e.g., flashing lights and gates) are supported depending on the specific requirements for each intersection. These traditional HRI warning systems may also be augmented with other standard traffic management devices. The warning systems are activated on notification of an approaching train by interfaced wayside equipment. The equipment at the HRI may also be interconnected with adjacent signalized intersections so that local control can be adapted to highway-rail intersection activities. Health monitoring of the HRI equipment and interfaces is performed; detected abnormalities are reported through interfaces to the wayside interface equipment and the Traffic Management Center.False

Physical Standards

Document NumberTitleDescription
ITE ATC 5201Advanced Transportation ControllerThis standard defines the functionality and performance requirements for a modern ITS controller known as an ATC. It is similar to the NEMA TS-2 standard in that it defines basic capabilities but leaves hardware choices up to the manufacturer.
ITE ATC 5202Model 2070 Controller StandardThis standard specifies the hardware for a modern, open-architecture controller for ITS applications that can run Linux and is capable of executing advanced signal controller logic, among other things.
ITE ATC 5301Intelligent Transportation System Standard Specification for Roadside CabinetsThis standard specifies the characteristics of a modern controller cabinet for the ITS industry.
ITE ATC 5401Application Programming Interface Standard for the Advanced Transportation ControllerThis standard defines the application programmers' interface (API) that should be supported by an ATC, which is an open-architecture controller that can host multiple ITS applications.
NEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation SystemsThis specification describes how agencies and other transportation infrastructure owner/operators should implement cyber- and physical-security for ITS.
NEMA TS2Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP RequirementsThis specification covers traffic signaling equipment used to facilitate and expedite the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicular traffic.

Interfaces To

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NYSDOT Region 8 ITS Field Equipment